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We are a secured website and we won't share or sale your personal information to anyone! Information obtained will be used for communication of services rendered via the 5 Week Transformation Weight Wellness Program a subsidiary of I.R.I.S.E. Inc. Transformation Coaching Firm. Please be sure to read all terms and conditions due to the type of services offered by I.R.I.S.E. Transformation Coaching Firm we do not offer refunds for services rendered. When purchasing services you are in agreement with our services and refund policy.

Hear what current clients are saying!!

Anastasia F.

Current Coaching Client- TX

Coach has been such a tremendous part of my weight loss journey and as my coach. Coach and I have been in each other's lives for over 4 years and since that time I have released over 130 lbs and I have kept off over 130 lbs. I want to go further about 125 lbs more I want to release with her HELP. I want to let everyone know you are making the best decision in your life to connect with Kenya and be to apart of her coaching program. She is amazing she has changed my life! I can honestly say she has even spoken into my husband's life.

Ramona C.

Current Coaching Client - TX

"I've already released over 41 pounds and gained my mobility back, when they all counted me out." I stood up after being bed bound for over 3 years due to my weight gain. Coach said I could do it and I did!!. Since starting Coach's program I can honestly say my life will never be the same. She has awaken some things, taught me some things and I've a had to let a lot of things I thought I knew. This program works and you are not on a diet, you are learning to heal and live again, if you ask me. I would say start now, be sure your ready, because this is NOT a DIET!!

Catrena B.

Current Coaching Client - Chicago

"I love the program, It's truly changed my life". I've vowed to get the nutrition I need by following her program and by making it individualized for me has been perfect. I have lost weight and I've lost inches. I've lost more inches to date than weight. My skin is glowing, I have more energy and I'm moving around better. I was limited in my mobility, but with the work out program I'm moving better and I'm not as short of breath. It's really working for me. The movements are modified and effective. The program is wonderful. I love the exercises. When I started out exercising from my bed I didn't think that it was possible. I'll always make this statement with this program. When I learned how to exercise from my bed, I felt human." I felt like a human being again. All programs require movement, this one makes it work for you. I never thought in my sickness I could exercise because of my mobility and coach showed me, Nope you can do it", right from my bed. This program is not a diet, it's a lifestyle"!

K. T.

Current Coaching Client- AL

Coach showed up at the right time. I have been praying and asking God for guidance because I have battled with weight my whole life. Now I have a real solution to ,my real problem, emotional eating. She has taught a whole new way of living". This program is life changing and weight loss is the benefit of a changed mind". I have been dieting since I was a child and today I have tools and solutions to the reasons I use to eat. It's a whole lot of healing happening here. It's profound.

Theresa H.

Current Coaching Client- N.C.

The 5 Week Transformation program is a life changing, motivating, life saving experience. It is the best investment I have made for myself. I have been on many programs in my life, but by far this is the best one yet, mind, body and soul. My Motto Diets are not for me I am going to live achieving it not DIE trying it .
#1 Coach Kenya Elliott Team IRISE.


We are a secured website and we won't share or sale your personal information to anyone! Information obtained will be used for communication of services rendered via the 5 Week Transformation Weight Wellness Program a subsidiary of I.R.I.S.E. Inc. Transformation Coaching Firm. Please be sure to read all terms and conditions due to the type of services offered by I.R.I.S.E. Transformation Coaching Firm we do not offer refunds for services rendered. When purchasing services you are in agreement with our services and refund policy.